Each country has different regulations in regards to operating cleaning, disinfecting and filtering public swimming pools. In Denmark for example the rules and regulations are extremely limited and the government shifts the responsibility to the swimming pool operators. In Germany the rules and regulations are written by the standards institute and each municipality adopts the rules it deems important. In France the regulations are dictated to all the provinces from the government, the rules are very detailed in regards to sanitary aspects, however, they are not technical.
In Spain the regulations are dictated by the local municipalities and the rules are very similar to the ones in France. In the United states and England professional swimming pools unions write very detailed recommendations and the local health departments adopt these recommendations and add their own supplements. In the former soviet Union the rules and regulations are country wide, very specific and include operating rules and instructions.
In recent years swimming pools operators around the world prefer to use ozone-generator (combined with chlorine) to disinfect the waters. Ozone in the water or in the air is dangerous to humans, therefore, disinfecting the water with ozone has to be done in a separate container and after the filtration and disinfection process is completed all the ozone has to be removed from the treated water before transferring them back to the swimming pool.
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A latest innovation is the ozone generator, the generator disinfect the water without the need for separate container, and the benefit is when this generator is used, a very minimal chemicals are needed to disinfect the water, which saves money in the long term, and there is no eyes irritation due to the low chlorine. To learn more about ozone generator go to 123aquabot.com
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